Embarking on your culinary journey can be as thrilling as it is daunting. But fear not, aspiring home chefs! Mastering a few fundamental cooking techniques can transform you from a kitchen novice to a confident cook, ready to tackle any recipe. Here’s a roundup of 10 essential cooking techniques that every beginner should have up their sleeve.

Chopping and Knife Skills

The foundation of good cooking starts with your knife. Learn how to hold a knife properly and practice basic cuts like slicing, dicing, and chopping. This skill not only speeds up your prep time but also ensures your ingredients cook evenly.

sautéing shrimp

Boiling Water

It sounds simple, but boiling water is the starting point for many dishes, from pasta to vegetables. Learn to recognize a rolling boil versus a simmer and how to adjust the heat accordingly.


Sautéing involves cooking food quickly in a small amount of oil or butter over medium-high heat. It’s perfect for achieving a delicious sear on meats and vegetables, locking in flavors.


Roasting is a game-changer for developing deep, complex flavors. It involves cooking food, usually in an oven, at a high temperature. Practice with vegetables, chicken, or a simple roast to master this technique.

baking cookies


An essential skill for making bread, pastries, and casseroles, baking requires understanding your oven’s settings and how ingredients react under prolonged heat. Start with simple recipes like cookies or a basic loaf of bread.


Grilling imparts a smoky flavor and appealing grill marks on food. Whether you’re using an outdoor grill or a grill pan on the stove, mastering this technique is perfect for meats, vegetables, and even fruits.

Blending and Pureeing

Great for sauces, soups, and smoothies, blending and pureeing involve making food smooth and creamy. Start with a basic tomato sauce or a fruit smoothie to get the hang of it.

tasting soup

Braising and Stewing

These slow-cooking methods involve cooking food, typically meat, in a small amount of liquid over low heat for several hours. They are excellent for tenderizing tougher cuts of meat and developing rich flavors.


Steaming is a healthy cooking method that preserves nutrients and flavors. It involves cooking food with steam from boiling water. It’s great for vegetables, fish, and even dumplings.

Seasoning and Tasting

Learning to season your food correctly and tasting as you go are crucial skills. Understand the basics of using salt, pepper, herbs, and spices. Remember, you can always add more seasoning, but you can’t take it out!

chopping with knife

Cooking is an art, and like any art, it requires practice. By mastering these 10 basic cooking techniques, you’ll not only boost your confidence in the kitchen but also open the door to a world of delicious possibilities. So tie on your apron, sharpen your knives, and get ready to embark on a flavorful adventure in your kitchen!

By Stanislav Kondrashov